Led by the Workforce Development Administrator, Jeremy Ervin, the goal of Birmingham Promise partnership is to offer internship opportunities to High School Seniors from Birmingham City Schools. Students who complete the Birmingham Promise Program are eligible for tuition incentives from colleges and universities in the Alabama Footprint. Students’ work schedules will vary depending on availability.
Below are the students their department, grade level and school.
Mariyana Chapman, Senior, Woodlawn High, Customer Service
Nenefatou Drame, Senior, Wenonah High, Engineering
C’ Karius Fowler, Senior, Woodlawn High, Audit
Gabriel Managan, Senior, BCS Virtual Academy, Safety
Jemylen Guyon, Senior, Huffman High School, Information Technology
The students will gain valuable knowledge to help them prepare to join the workforce upon graduation. These are the key benefits of the partnership:
- Students will gain invaluable experience with the hope of being potential advocates for BWWB
- Strong Partnership with well-established community-based organization that city of Birmingham supports fully
- Opportunity to forge partnership for years to come
- Create possible pipeline for future internships opportunities for current high school students to feed into our AIT program.
- Brand Awareness to external partners & customer base