National Walk at Lunch Day


These boots were made for walking! On Wednesday, April 17th, BWW representatives were invited to set up a hydration station outside City Hall at Lynn Park to support schools, firefighters, police officers, and local businesses participating in National Walk at Lunch Day. Thanks to BWW’s new health app Vitality, many of us are taking part in new exercise programs for the coming year. Gotta get those steps in!

BWW’s public relations team was there with a water station of our famous Birmingham water, hydration brochures, and our signature BWW fans to keep walkers and attendees cool. National Walk At Lunch Day is a great reminder that we can all fit in a few minutes a day to be more physically active. According to the National Institute of Health, even a few minutes of walking provides countless benefits, both physical and mental. People who walk a few times a week have increased cognitive abilities, including boosts short-term and long-term memory recall. Exercise provides a metabolic bump and aids in fat loss, muscle gain, the strengthening of bone density and heart health. We hope the schoolkids and workers who came by our table experience all of these positive benefits in spades, and we look forward to being part of more events like this.