Birmingham Water Works Celebrates Four Years of Excellence: GFOA 2023 Budget Award Winner


Great news for Birmingham Water Works and our community! We’re thrilled to announce that for the fourth year running, we’ve been honored with the prestigious Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Budget Award for 2023. This remarkable achievement is not just about maintaining a standard of excellence; it’s about constantly striving to exceed it.

But that’s not all — this year’s accolade is even more special. Alongside the budget award, we’ve also been recognized for our Strategic Goals and Strategies. This distinction sets us apart, placing Birmingham Water Works among an elite group of organizations who have demonstrated exceptional financial leadership and strategic planning.

This repeated recognition by GFOA underscores our unwavering commitment to the highest standards of budgeting. Our Board leadership and staff management continue to play a pivotal role in this success. Their dedication to adopting and adhering to best practices in financial planning and execution is the cornerstone of our achievements.

We’ve put in a tremendous amount of work in developing and implementing our Operation and Maintenance, as well as Capital Budgets. These budgets are not just financial plans; they reflect our commitment to providing reliable and high-quality water services while ensuring fiscal responsibility and sustainability.

As we celebrate this award, we also want to emphasize our ongoing commitment to our community. These achievements are not just for the accolades; they directly translate to better services, improved infrastructure, and a stronger, more resilient water system for Birmingham.

Here’s to continued excellence and unwavering commitment to serving our community in the years to come!